Poetic License Press

Call for Words and Art
for limited edition publication
In Plein Air

Call for Words: Poetic License Press is seeking poems about the natural world that were, at least in part, composed while outdoors.  Submit up to three (3) poems, no longer than two (2) pages each, by Word attachment to: inpleinairproject@gmail.com.

Call for Art: Poetic License Press is seeking two-dimensional art (color or b & w) that was, at least in part, created while outdoors and that is related to some aspect of the natural world.  Submit photographs of up to three (3) pieces by pdf or jpeg to: inpleinairproject@gmail.com.

Regarding line should read: Submission – In Plein Air – Poem (or Art)

Cover letter should include: (1) poet’s/artist’s name as s/he would like it to appear; (2) e-mail address; (3) street address; (4) phone number: (5) title of each poem or piece of artwork submitted; (6) one or two sentences about a favorite outdoor moment or place.

Poems and artwork must NOT include identifying information such as name, e-mail address, or street address.  Previously published work is fine so long as poet/artist possesses publication rights.  Note prior publisher for acknowledgement.

Submission deadline: December 15, 2016

Notification of Acceptance by March 15, 2017 by e-mail.  Poets and artists whose work is selected will receive one contributor’s copy as sole remuneration.  Additional copies will be available for purchase by contributing poets and artists at a discounted price.

Format of print publication will be determined after receipt of submissions and in editors’ sole discretion.

Submission shall constitute: (1) representation that the submission is original work created, at least in part, while outdoors and that the creator possesses publication rights, and (2) agreement that if the work is accepted for publication, (a) Poetic License Press may, in its sole discretion, publish and promote the work, the poet’s/artist’s name, image and voice, in any format, medium or forum, and (b) the sole remuneration is one contributor’s copy per included poet/artist.

Poetic License Press is an affiliate of Poetic License, Inc.

Order Poetic License Press publications:

$12 per copy, plus $2.99 flat fee for shipping

A Light Breakfast
poems to start your day
by 27 poets
Edited by Arlyn Miller
Poetic License Press

Experts have recommended reading a poem every morning as part of a healthy breakfast to lower the risk of heart disease, increase mental functioning and libido, and decrease the incidence of road rage. From the far corners of the globe, 27 poets have joined forces to help you do just that - get your day off to a promising start with a nutritious poem! 

            A Midnight Snack
                poems for late night reading
            Edited by Arlyn Miller
           Poetic License Press
Trouble sleeping?  Take a poem to bed! It won’t hog the blanket or start snoring before you’ve nodded off.  In fact, poems will stay up with you as late as you like.  And if you wake up in the middle of the night unable to fall back asleep, corral a poem to keep you company - it will be happy to oblige.  From the parabolic parameter of the earth, these 27 tireless poets have gathered together to get you through the night!

$12 per copy, plus $2.99 flat fee for shipping
by check to:
Poetic License, Inc.
PO Box 279
Glencoe, IL 60022